Stop Making Presentations
Stop Making Presentations I believe the term “sales presentation” to be a bit of a misnomer. But because “presentation” is such an ingrained term in sales training, I will often still use it. However, I prefer the term value conversations. Allow me to explain. Like...
Questions Change Perception
Many people in sales, even those that readily accept the idea that asking questions is an important part of their sales process, do not fully understand why this is so very important to their success. The reason is simple. Questions change perception. When you look...
It is THEIR Value Proposition—Not Yours
"Fusion Points™ are those unifying moments when logic and positive emotion merge and ignite, creating commitment, energy, and acceleration." —Jeff C. West For most of us, when establishing your value proposition, the logical side of the equation is easier. Our...
Your Value Proposition Creates Fusion Points™
Your Value Proposition Creates Fusion Points™ With Your Customer The goal of your sales process should be to create Fusion Points™ with your prospects that convert them to customers. Following that, your goal is to continually build that fusion...
Angels Wing It But Salespeople Must Prepare
"Angels wing it! But salespeople must prepare!" —Zig Ziglar I remember the first time I heard the above bit of wisdom. I was young, brash, and a little bit overconfident in my abilities to walk into any situation and make it work out to my desired conclusion. I...
The Science of Persisting
The Science of Persisting Being successful in sales, sales leadership, and business ownership requires something more from each of us. It requires a work ethic that rises above that of the crowd. It requires a mentality that will keep you moving toward your...
Why Fusion Points Are A Must
Why Fusion Points© are a must. In our last post, we discussed the science of persistence and the definition of Fusion Points©. If you missed...
Kick It Up!
Kick It Up! Now that you are getting an understanding of how Fusion Points™ work, as chef Emeril Lagasse would say, “Let’s kick it up a notch!” There is an additional way to unlock some amazing power that will turn your Fusion Points™ into long-lasting...
Bringing It All Together
Bringing Fusion Points® All Together for a Sales Team Most salespeople want to achieve. They want to have the commitment, energy, and acceleration that propels them into the upper echelon of sales and financial success. Every sales leader and business owner wants that...
Great Article To Share
Just read a very nice article from the Social Media Specialist for Link Staffing Services, Annah Chulam. Had a great time with their team last week and wanted to share her article with you. Enjoy! [button color="blue"...