Our focus this week has been on how we all leave our mark.  However, rather than focusing on the sales person we have been focusing on the sales leader.

Today we will shift our gears and discuss how sales people leave their mark on those around them.

The sad but unfortunate truth is that society does not always equate the profession of selling with the highest level of character and integrity.

Yet, we all know people who are very successful in sales that absolutely are great examples of the highest level of integrity and are people of great character.  As a matter of fact – that is the rule for those who are the very best in the profession.  The customers and business contacts of those individuals would agree wholeheartedly with our assessment.

Why is there a difference in the reality of what society as a group may think – and what we know to be true?

The answer is that both realities are accurate.

All sales people leave their marks.  Some leave good… others leave bad… but all leave their marks.

For your benefit – and the benefit of the profession, make sure the marks you leave are the best.


Leave your mark by always providing the best value to your clients.  The greater the value you provide above and beyond the actual sales transaction makes your mark with your customers.  When they see you do things that benefit them – that you did not actually have to do – they take note.  Bring additional business value by helping them with solutions that affect them – even when you may not have anything to gain financially.  And provide products and services that always tip the scales of value toward your customer.


Be an “and then some” kind of person.  Always do what you say you will do.  Always have the highest level of integrity.  Always place your focus on your client’s needs first.  Earn their trust… and then some.


To a certain extent, your customers should feel like family to you and you to them.  In the employee benefit arena, I built such good relationships with my clients that most would give me a hearty handshake or a hug when I came to see them.  They would never give up what my company provided – not only because Aflac was a great company – but because they also never wanted to lose me.  As my career progressed and I earned promotions – many of my customers (and my sales people) were quite emotional and teary-eyed.

But the most important part of leaving your mark is with your own family.  Keep your priorities in order.  Don’t spend so much time doing what you do for a living that you lose those you do it for.

Your business is not your life.  It is what you do for a living.


What is your favorite customer relationship you have and why?