Funny Monday rides again! Help me out by sending me your funny stories about sales. Email your stories to
Here are the rules about our funny Monday stories.
- Keep them clean. Nothing rated higher than PG, please. I prefer to think of this blog as a family show.
- Stories should be short funny stories about sales, business, or life-work balance.
- If you have a picture that helps illustrate your story, I will post it with your permission.
Some of my favorite jokes have always been the short one-liners. So here are a few of my favorites 🙂
- Do you know how many State Sales Managers it takes to change a light bulb? Just one. We simply hold our hand up, and the world revolves around us.
- From My Friend Bill: Do you know how many salesmen it takes to change a light bulb? We don’t know yet. It’s too early to make the call and the RFP should be coming out any day – but I feel really good about it.
- I never have to drive when my bride is in the car with me. I simply hold the steering wheel. She does all the driving from her side of the car. I’ll pay for that one later 🙂
- Sales Manager: “We don’t communicate enough! Why can’t I ever reach you on the telephone?” Sales Rep: “Caller I.D.”
- I slept like a baby last night. I woke up every two hours, crying!
- Sometimes it is just best to learn from other people’s experience. The early bird may get the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.
- I’m not afraid of hard work. I can watch it all day long.
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