Oh, So THAT’s What You’re Selling!


In yesterday’s post, I began a story about how the owner of a company stopped me during the middle of the discovery portion of our meeting.  He put his hand up, and asked me, “So, what exactly are you selling.”


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Some very important things happened on that day that worked heavily in my favor in acquiring Mr. Smith as a new client.


I Completely Understood My Value Proposition:

Our value proposition was simple.  I would not be asking the company to pay for our voluntary insurance programs.  The company would see a reduction in payroll taxes by working with us.  There were insurance plans that the employer wanted to offer, but chose not to do so because the company budget could not justify the expense  – and I knew we could provide those at no company expense.  And I knew that adding our plans into their employee benefit program could help reduce turnover and training expense.

Simply stated – if I was there, the company made more profit and the owner made more money.


I Was Confident in My Convictions:

As a sales person, if you are not confident in the value provided to your customers by your product or service – you will also lack confidence  in asking someone to make the decision to purchase.  In my case, I knew that value very well.  I was confident.  So, even when I would get a  skeptical prospect, I knew without a doubt that their situation would improve with a relationship between my company, their company and me.  Thus, I communicated with confidence and that confidence moved the process forward.

If your product or service provides a great value to your customer, be confident in what you are doing.  You will never feel uncomfortable asking someone to do something that is in their best interest.  If you are not confident in that value – either work with your sales leader so that you can understand the value better – or find something to sell that you can believe in.


I Was Completely Focused on Providing Value To My Prospect:

When asked what I was selling, I said,“Well, I am selling the idea of me going to work for you – without you putting me on salary – and my only job responsibility is to help you make more money.”

I never mentioned any type of insurance product.  Instead, my focus was on providing value to my prospect.  Because of that, he and I moved forward in the sales process together.


“You will never be uncomfortable asking someone to act in their own best interest.  Focus on how your product or service makes their life better.”

– Jeff C. West

QUESTION:  How important are selling skills to people who are not in sales?