I AM EXCITED! Houston and SE Texas folks – my friend and bestselling author, Bob Burg is coming to Houston!
Save the date, October 24, 2014.
In my business, I work very hard to provide more in value to those who bring me in to speak to their teams than I ever take in compensation. I want to make sure that my keynote addresses and workshops really connect to the heart of their organization and that the messages I deliver create positive changes in behavior. I want to provide great ROI with everything I do.
Much of that philosophy came directly to me through a great book I read several years ago called, The Go-Giver. The author of that book was also the author of another book that I have recommended and endorsed since the year 2,000. The book was one of two that totally changed the direction of my career. The author was Bob Burg, and that book was called, Endless Referrals.
I am proud to help all of the folks in Houston and SE Texas (and all points beyond) get access to one of the greatest thought leaders in sales, sales leadership and business ownership. I will be Bob’s City Partner to bring him into the area.[lightbox link=”https://jeffcwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/bob-burg.png” thumb=”https://jeffcwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/bob-burg.png” width=”233″ align=”right” title=”bob burg” frame=”true” icon=”image” caption=””]
If you are in sales – be there. Applying what you learn will dramatically impact your success in sales.
If you are in sales leadership – be there and get your team there. When your team begins to use the strategies Bob will be teaching, it will cause great leaps for you.
And if you are a business owner – be there, get your sales team there – and then let every customer of yours that employs a sales team know about the event.
What better value can you provide your customers than by helping their sales team bring more revenue to their company?
This will be GREAT!
Click To See Bob in Action
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