by Jeff West | Jun 30, 2015 | Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
Leaders and Actors Sales leadership requires the ability to influence the behavior of many people. To do so, you must be an Actor. You must take actions that influence your team. You are constantly influencing the behavior of your sales team by keeping...
by Jeff West | Jun 29, 2015 | Funny
Laugh it up and smile. Email your funny stories to me at and I will share them with the group. ~~~~~ From Connie in Connecticut ~~~~~ The manager of the store was complaining in a staff meeting. He said, “I...
by Jeff West | Jun 26, 2015 | Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
How Do You See It? Successful people in sales, sales leadership and business see things differently than most. The way they see things is one of the reasons for their success. Successful people see an obstacle as a challenge that can be...
by Jeff West | Jun 25, 2015 | Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips, Uncategorized
This is the second in a series of articles that I wrote, which were published by Susan Solovic, a frequent guest on Fox Business News. If you are an entrepreneur, or you are in business to business sales, Susan is a great source for you or your clients. You can find...
by Jeff West | Jun 24, 2015 | Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
Sir, Can You Spare Some Change? The plight of the homeless is something that strikes close to my heart. As I see the people holding signs at intersections, I know that some may be legitimate and others are most likely not. But I am smart enough to know...
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