by Jeff West | Mar 31, 2015 | Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership
Just sharing some pictures today from Malibu. [lightbox link=”” thumb=”×225.jpg”...
by Jeff West | Mar 30, 2015 | Funny, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership
Start your week of with a Funny Monday Story! Share them with the group. Email them to me at ~~~ From Andy in Albuquerque… ~~~ Top 10 comments you will NEVER hear from sales people: 10 – I know that is my quota, but I think I can do...
by Jeff West | Mar 27, 2015 | Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
I was so broke when I began my sales career… (How broke were you?) I’ll tell you how broke I was. *** I was so broke, if anyone had robbed me back then, all they would have gotten was practice. *** I was so broke, someone held me up at the ATM one...
by Jeff West | Mar 26, 2015 | Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
Generate Customer Fusion As you grow any organization, your ability to create lasting relationships between your stakeholders and your company may be the single most important thing you do. You must generate Fusion Points® that produce a bond that can’t be...
by Jeff West | Mar 25, 2015 | Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
Take It With A Grain of Salt… and a lime, with a shot of tequila! 🙂 I am an avid reader of many things. I read novels. I read news stories. And of course, I read articles on sales and leadership. Most of what I read in the area of sales and leadership tends to...
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