by Jeff West | Apr 30, 2014 | Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
On yesterday’s post we discussed one of my favorite childhood games, Kick The Can. We also talked about how frustrating it feels to lose a target prospect when we are in a competitive selling situation. Read Post Today we will discuss how to keep our...
by Jeff West | Apr 29, 2014 | Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
Are your sales prospects hiding? One of my favorite childhood games was called “Kick The Can”. This simple game was basically “Hide And Seek” with an added level of difficulty. The rules of the game were as follows: Someone was selected...
by Jeff West | Apr 28, 2014 | Funny, Life Work Balance
Funny Monday rides again! Email your funny stories or sales jokes to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moses was a great salesman! Not everyone knows this, but if you read the old testament there is plenty of evidence that my point...
by Jeff West | Apr 25, 2014 | Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
I have been so blessed as a parent! My daughters were relatively easy children to raise. My youngest daughter, Whitney, reminded me again last weekend on how lucky we were that they were such good kids. (She get’s her humbleness from her father) 🙂 She is...
by Jeff West | Apr 24, 2014 | Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
The snare drum rolls in the background -zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Ready! Aim! Fire! Execution by a team is an awesome thing to behold!! On Tuesday, we discussed the things that block us from effective execution of the strategies that we honestly intend to...
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