Well, I’ll Show You!


Is there something in the genetics of successful entrepreneurs and sales people that makes us have an “I’ll show you!” attitude?

People who have known me for any extended period of time know that one of the most sure-fire ways to increase my level of competitive energy and desire to achieve is to make one simple statement to me…  “I don’t think you can do that.”

When they make that comment to me, I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck tickling me.  I can feel my back straighten up a bit.  And I immediately think, “You just watch me!”


NOTE:  As my wife peaked over my shoulder and read that last paragraph, she said, “Honey, I don’t think you can wash my car and take it to the gas station to fill up the gas tank.”  Did I  ever tell you, she is a trouble-maker?


[lightbox link=”http://jeffcwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/donkey.jpg” thumb=”http://jeffcwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/donkey-225×300.jpg” width=”225″ align=”right” title=”donkey” frame=”true” icon=”image” caption=””]I know I can be stubborn at times.  I think that helps my tenacity.  I know I can be overly confident by some standards 🙂  But I think that helps me to believe I can achieve a goal.  And I know that I can be emotional.  But I think that only helps me connect with my audience.  (If you don’t agree – you will just hurt my feelings) 🙂


But as I read some of my favorite authors, I find that I am not alone in that general mindset.


S. Anthony Iannarino had a great article that I wanted you to read.  Make sure that you also click on his link that is your “Permission Slip To Succeed.”  It is great!


Read Anthony’s Article