Seven Great Questions


Do you make sales presentations?


I was trained to make sales presentations.  But over the years, I came to believe that term was really quite inaccurate.  The term, sales presentation tends to imply a certain amount of scripting.  And with most sales presentations, every potential client will get the feeling that you are opening up a set of canned solutions that are exactly the same as the last prospect with whom you talked.  That certainly leaves the perception that you either don’t care about their specific situation, or you think you already know everything.  Either way, you really aren’t doing yourself or your client any favors.


One of your goals should be to create Fusion Points® with your client base.  You want to merge the logic of your value proposition with their positive emotions and create a long-term bond between you.   That fusion begins with you caring enough to discover and understand their situation and then looking out for their best interests.


Instead of a sales presentation – change your thought process into a discovery and recommendation phase.


Do your homework first.  Research your potential client as much as possible.  Search for information that helps you to understand their industry more completely.  Read articles on things that affect them now and potential changes or threats that may affect them in the future.


Understand your value proposition completely.  Know how to communicate that value proposition from the customer’s perspective.


Then, at your initial meeting, set a framework of discovery to engage your prospect in dialogue with you and ask your 7 greatest questions.  Their part of the conversation should far outweigh yours at this stage.


For example:


In an effort to make the best use of our time together today, I have done some research on your company and your industry.  I noticed that {2-3 bullet points about their company and their industry}.  But I know that what I can find out from your perspective is going to be much more accurate and helpful in finding ways I can bring value to the table for you.  Do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

Then ask seven great questions based on your industry.

When making your recommendations, it may actually be somewhat scripted.  However, your solutions will actually be tailored based on your client’s answers.

I’ll give you some great questions tomorrow.