Dating can be a wonderful experience.

But dating can also be a true test of a teenage boy’s confidence and self image.

I remember being one of those teenagers that was probably somewhere in the middle of the social ladder in my high school.  I wasn’t the most popular, but I had lots of friends.  I wasn’t the most athletic, although I did play some sports.  And I was not the most handsome, however I also didn’t exactly fall through the ugly tree and hit every limb either.

I was in school leadership positions and I made solid grades.  But there were times when, if given the opportunity, I would have gladly traded some of those “A”s that I made – just for a date with the right girl.

It is not that I got turned down when I asked… I just usually didn’t ask.

As I look back over my sales career – it almost makes me laugh when I think about my “call reluctance” when it came to asking a girl out for a date. In sales, I learned early on that it was a numbers game; some would say no – but if I kept asking I would find the ones who would say yes.

I built a great career and business based on that philosophy.

“Without the information you gain from tracking your activity and results – you will find yourself clueless when it comes to areas in which you must improve your skill set.”

But in dating, asking a girl, “Can I have your number?” was not an easy task for me.

If I had only read some great sales books before I began dating… well, maybe it is better that I didn’t. 🙂

Sales leaders and sales people, I have a question for you.  Can I have your number?

Whether you are an individual who is on “The Self Guided Tour of Sales”, or you are a sales leader tasked with growing, equipping and guiding a sales team to meet your sales targets quarter after quarter – knowing your sales “numbers” is a must.  You have to track your activities and results in prospecting, presenting, closing and other key areas.

Without the information you gain from tracking your activity and results – you will find yourself clueless when it comes to areas in which you must improve your skill set.

Our focus this week will be on how to use that valuable information you have been tracking.


How many prospects must you contact in order to achieve your sales target in 2014?