[lightbox link=”http://jeffcwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/oh-no.jpg” thumb=”http://jeffcwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/oh-no.jpg” width=”300″ align=”left” title=”oh no” frame=”true” icon=”image” caption=””]There is one particular area of sales training that seems to be baffling to many in the profession.
It doesn’t seem to matter if you are in discussions with the novice sales person or the seasoned veteran – many will give you intellectual confirmation that they understand the point and are quite masterful at the skill. However, when you hear their verbiage used at various points in their sales cycle it becomes painfully obvious that they may have a textbook knowledge of the principle – but they have no real understanding of what it means.
That principle is that prospects and customers do NOT care about your product or service.
When you focus so much of your attention on the benefits and features of your product or service, you are actually boring them to death and/or decreasing your sales success percentage.
Your prospect only cares about one thing. They care about what THEY care about. They want what THEY want.
One of my favorite sales thought leaders, Jill Konrath, had a recent post about this point that I thought you would enjoy.
Read Jill’s Article
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