My Aflac Anniversary!
April 12th is always a special day to me. The reason is simple. On April 12th, 1993, I was appointed with the Fortune 500® Insurance Company, Aflac. Though I retired from active service with Aflac at the end of 2013 to pursue writing, training and speaking on a national level, I am still a walking ambassador for the company. The opportunity changed the direction of my life, and the lives of my family forever.
For all of those things, I am truly grateful.
In the past, I have often wondered why I made it – why I succeeded in a commission only sales position. There was no salary. There was no draw against commissions. And over the years, I watched many people who were just as talented as I was – some with more talent than me – who did not stick it out and change their financial picture forever.
Why me?
That question puzzled me enough that I began the research to find the answers.
That research led me to my current work, Fusion Points©.
“Fusion Points© are those unifying moments when logic and positive emotion merge and ignite, creating commitment, energy and acceleration.”
– Jeff C. West
The reason I persisted is because my success and the well being of my family became fused with Aflac.
That happened partially because of my efforts. It also happened because I was surrounded by people who created an environment that built that fusion. The result was a strong commitment to my family, my mentors, and to Aflac.
None of us knew how we were using the science of the decision making process to create that fusion. But I am awfully glad we did. And I want to thank some of them now.
Thank you to my family, especially my daughters, who brought real meaning to the phrase, “Failure is not an option.”
Thank you Frank Davies, for your passionate leadership.
Thank you Craig Davies, for your partnership with me that changed my future.
Thank you Dan Amos, for your consistent ethics.
Thank you Paul Amos, for your strength.
Thank you Teresa White, for your spirit of servant leadership.
Thank you Ron Sanders, for being the right leader at the right time, and being the best example of how nice guys can be great leaders.
Thank you Lynn Barnson, for your encouragement in my writing and speaking.
Thank you to my sales team in the Houston, Texas area for your friendship and family atmosphere.
Thank you to my sales team in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for those wonderful years.
In whatever you choose to do – for you to succeed in business and life, you must find your Fusion Points©.
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