In yesterday’s post we began a discussion about what scares you in your sales process.


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Today, we will talk about the assumptions that your mind makes that creates the anxiety and fear that you may be experiencing with some parts of your sales process.

Our goal?  To kick fear’s assumptions!

Review your list of sales activities.  Which of your sales activities causes you the most hesitation?

On a piece of paper, write the name of that activity across the top of the page.  Then make three columns below; one column for “assumptions”, another for “desired outcome”, and a third for “solution”.

Start with your “assumptions” column.  Close your eyes and imagine yourself completing the activity.  As you notice the anxious feelings beginning – analyze the focus of those feelings.

Let’s use prospecting cold calls as an example.

Assumptions:  What are you anticipating will be the result of your activity.  If it is a cold call, are you expecting to get a simple “no”?  Or are you expecting to get a rather rude “no” because you think you are interrupting their day?

Desired Outcome:  What is your desired result from the activity?  That could be a simple “yes”.  Or it could be that the prospect agrees to take the next action required to move the process forward.

Solution:  Sometimes the solution may be as simple as adding some verbiage to the beginning of your call.  “I apologize for calling (or dropping by) unexpectedly.  I don’t mean to barge in.  However, I wanted to get some time on your calendar to {insert your value proposition here}.  Would next Tuesday or Wednesday work best for you?”  Or sometimes the solution may be to increase your value proposition to the point that you are extremely confident that your prospect will benefit so much from your relationship that your meeting is virtually guaranteed.

Oddly enough, there may also be times when your anxiety is not from an assumption of negative results.  You may actually be thinking that your prospect may say “yes” – and that you are not prepared for the next step.  The solution there may be found in you preparing to effectively lead your prospect through that process.

I even heard a sales leader talking about his hesitation in talking with people about coming onboard with his team.  He was afraid they would say, “yes”.

“Why?” I asked.

“I’m afraid I will get more like I have right now!” was his reply.

I laughed.  Then I coached him about being more effective in his recruiting, training and leadership skills.

QUESTION: When do you prospect the most effectively?