Funny Monday rides again!  Send your sales, business, or life/work balance jokes to me at

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From Bradley in Texas…

Q: Do you know the difference between a sales rep that refuses to prospect and a deep dish pizza from Pizza Hut?

A:  The pizza could actually feed a family of five!


From Bill in Oklahoma…

A real estate salesperson had just sold a piece of property when a huge rainstorm rolled in.  The property was completely covered in water.

She asked her sales manager, “Should we refund the buyer’s money to him?”

The sales manager replied, “Heck no! Sell him a houseboat!”


From Tom in LA…

Salesman overheard praying… “Father, thank You for all my blessings.  And please allow me to find out for certain that money won’t buy me happiness.”


From Craig in CA…

Two lady sales people were chatting over a latte at Starbucks.

One lady said, “I had a great quarter!  I even got a new set of golf clubs for my husband!”

The other lady replied, “Great trade!”