I love to start the day off with a smile.  Email you funny stories to me and I will share them with the tribe.  Email them to jeff@jeffcwest.com


From Brandy in North Carolina…


A man entered through the Pearly Gates of Heaven after passing away.

As Saint Peter was taking him on a tour, he was overcome with emotion and joy.  He was so very excited and grateful for everything he was seeing.

Saint Peter asked, “Do you have any special message you would like for me to take to “The Boss”?  I will see Him later today.”

The man thought for a minute and said, “Yes there is.”

He continued, “Would you please tell Him how thankful that I am that he allowed me to die while sleeping so peacefully.  That was such a nice way to go.  Especially when you compare it to how all of my passengers on the bus I was driving died.”


Photo: London Bus Driver by Christof Burgdorfer

Used by permission – freeimages.com