Dealing With A…
Be ready to forward this one to people you know. It will keep them guessing what you think. 🙂
One of the things I remember fondly about my father was that he had a way of “cutting to the chase.” He would normally do so with a grin and a colorful quip. And as I look back now, I often laugh and find myself using some of the same phrases.
I don’t believe I ever heard my dad say things like…
“Well, he certainly has a nasty disposition, doesn’t he?”
Nor did I ever hear him say…
“That gentleman can be somewhat difficult in his dealings with other people.”
No. My dad would tend to colorfully refer to someone as being a…
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Though I have been through many conflict resolution classes, psychology classes and read numerous books to develop my people skills… I eventually arrived at the conclusion that, regardless of my efforts, some people can just really be a…
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But, in the interest of full disclosure I must also admit that there may have been times when I too was a…
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I believe that 98% of the people you encounter will be just as nice, pleasant and professional to you as you are to them. If you smile, they will smile. If you are kind, they too will be kind.
However, there also exists that other 2%.
Those are the people who have been raised on a pickle and weaned on a lemon. They have a generally sour disposition.
Don’t lose heart. Quite frankly, most of them have had something that happened in their day or their life that may have greatly affected how they treat you.
One of the best resources I have seen in helping you deal with all types of people is written by Bestselling Author, Bob Burg. The title of the book is Adversaries Into Allies: Win People Over Without Manipulation. This book is a must have for everyone in sales or leadership positions.
If you apply what you read, you will consistently turn a…
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into a…
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Gee… I wonder if Bob would consider changing the title of the book?
Adversaries Into Allies: Win Horse’s A… Over Without a 2X4 or a Handgun
Probably not… 🙂
Send this around to people you know. Whether they get the book, or just get the point… either way, you win! 🙂
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