
Creating Fusion in Selling

In my last article, I promised to tell you a story that taught me a lifelong sales lesson.

I was not a natural born salesman.

I know, I know; that is very hard to believe, but it is true. If it were not for learning some great sales principles from some very talented and caring people, I have no doubt that I would have had very little success in the industry.

One of the first lessons I learned was the value of storytelling.

It was my first week as a salesman in the voluntary employee benefits industry. After my initial meeting, a small employer agreed to make our programs available to their eight employees. I was eager. I needed to make money to feed my family. And I was ready to roll! I had complete faith that the employees would see the logic of why they needed our coverage. I saw all eight employees, and not one person purchased anything. Each one said, “I need to think about it.” I called my district sales coordinator, and the following conversation took place.

Me: “David, it’s Jeff. I didn’t do this right.”

David: “Well, tell me, how many people did you see?”

Me: “Eight.”

David: “How many did you sell?”

Me: “None.”

David: “Jeff, you didn’t do this right.”

Me: “NO @$*& (kidding)!!!”

The next day, at David’s invitation, I observed him in an enrollment. He saw fourteen employees, and all of them enrolled in the programs. On that day, I learned what I was doing incorrectly. More importantly, I learned one of the most valuable sales lessons of my career. My mistake was in thinking that I could persuade the employees to see the logic of why they needed our coverage. Remember—ALL decisions are made with a combination of logic and emotion. The logical requirement of their decision to buy was satisfied by the features of the policies, the cost of the policies, and the mechanics of how our company would make it all work for them. But all of that had absolutely nothing to do with “why” they needed them. The emotional requirement of their decision to make a purchase is satisfied by the “why.” Since I had neglected to address the “why” properly (or at all), they made no decision to move forward. David gave each employee the logic of owning these policies. I did the same.

The difference that gave David a closing ratio of 100 percent that day was that he also told stories—painted word pictures in order to establish “why” they needed the policies.

He presented facts and figures that supplied logic. He told stories that supplied positive emotion. Then the physiology of the brain connected those two components—creating Fusion Points™—resulting in a decision to move forward and buy.
“Stories establish the why, logic establishes the justification, and together, they make the sale.”

—Jeff C. West

Both logic and emotion are needed in any decision-making process. Never make only the emotional connection. Never make only the logical connection. In your sales process, combine logic and emotion to help your prospect make the decision that is best for them. When they do—whether they buy or not—their decision will always be the best for you as well. Feel free to share this article if it resonates with you. Have you read the book that Bestselling Author, Brian Tracy said, “… will make you a better person overall in every area of your life.”? Check out The Unexpected Tour Guide by clicking below.
The Unexpected Tour Guide