As a child, I loved to play the game, “connect the dots.”

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the game, allow me to explain.  The rules are simple.

First, we made a grid of dots on a sheet of paper.  We usually aligned them in rows and columns of ten each.  Once the grid was completed, the first player would draw a line that connected one dot to an adjoining dot.  The following player would then do the same – and the two would take turns repeating the process.

When your line was the fourth line that completed a box, you won that square, and were allowed to put your initial inside.  Play would continue until all dots had been connected.  And the winner was the player who had won the most squares.

My mother loved it when we would play that game, for two reasons.  First, it kept me quiet for a while.  And second, it was free!

Closing sales reminds me of playing connect the dots.  When you ask the right questions, and then complete the four-sided box, you win the square.

After asking great questions that got your prospect to openly discuss issues they were facing that needed resolution, the four sides of the closing box are:

  1. Rewind“Ms. Jones, earlier you mentioned that you had thought about offering disability insurance to your employees before – but had to make the difficult choice not to do so because of the impact it would have had on your bottom line profit.”
  2. Resolve“Our company actually has a disability policy that you can make available to your employees without allocating company funds.  The policy is guaranteed issued, employee funded and is not subject to the traditional participation requirements of most plans.”
  3. Revalue“This gives you the ability to reduce your employee turnover and training expense by providing a more competitive benefits package.”
  4. Rekindle“On a personal and business level, how would you feel about finally being able to resolve that issue?”

Ask great questions and provide value above and beyond the transaction.  Turn prospects into clients.

QUESTION:  What do you think of the work ethic in America today?