by Jeff West | Dec 18, 2015 | Funny, Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership
A Christmas poem for the sales pros and those who love them 🙂 T’was The Night Before Year-End by Jeff C. West T’was the night before year end, when all through the office Every sales rep was working. Yes, even the novice. The quotas were posted in...
by Jeff West | Jul 13, 2015 | Funny, Life Work Balance, Sales Coaching, Sales Leadership, Sales tips
Start your week off with a smile! Email your funny stories to me at and I will share them with the world. ~~~~~~~~~ From Dennis in Louisiana – (slightly adapted) 🙂 ~~~~~~~~~ A salesman and his sales manager had just finished a...
by Jeff West | Jun 29, 2015 | Funny
Laugh it up and smile. Email your funny stories to me at and I will share them with the group. ~~~~~ From Connie in Connecticut ~~~~~ The manager of the store was complaining in a staff meeting. He said, “I...
by Jeff West | Jun 22, 2015 | Funny
Start your day off with a smile and a laugh. Share your stories with everyone. Email them to me at ~~~~~ From Ronald in Rhode Island ~~~~~ A young salesman walks into the office of his sales manager and begins to speak....
by Jeff West | Jun 15, 2015 | Funny, Life Work Balance
Start each week off with a laugh and a smile. Share your funny stories with the group. Email them to me at ~~~~~ From Angela in Arizona ~~~~~ A man was growing quite concerned that his wife was losing her hearing. And...
by Jeff West | Jun 8, 2015 | Funny
Share the laughter. Email your funny stories to me at ~~~~~~~ From Ron in Rhode Island ~~~~~~~ A man called a plumbing company to discuss his backed up drain. As he spoke to a service technician on the phone, he said, “I...
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