Buy-In of Sales Leadership
One of the greatest challenges of any sales organization is developing a sales process that works – and then getting the sales leadership team to commit to that process. But without that buy-in, the success of the new sales person is in jeopardy.
Sales leaders; have you ever caught yourself making any of the following statements in regard to your organization’s sales process?
- “Well, that’s not how I do it.”
- “That’s what they teach you in sales school, but this is how we do it in the field.”
- “I’m not going to do it that way.”
If you want to be a successful sales leader, I have one word of advice about this subject. Stop!
We all know that there are multiple solutions that will yield strong results. And I don’t think a sales leader has to be following a “cookie cutter” approach as they sell… alone. But when you are working with a novice to turn an entry level sales person into a well producing sales professional – sticking to an agreed upon sales process will bring confidence to the person and consistency to your success rates.
If you don’t believe in the sales process, then work to change the process and make it better. But once your organization has made a decision on the sales process – support it.
Your buy-in to the sales process as a sales leader is key to the success of the new team members.
S. Anthony Iannarino had a great article about this that all sales leaders should read.
Read Anthony’s Article
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