Bob Burg – bestselling author of Endless Referrals, The Go Giver, and Adversaries Into Allies is coming to the Houston area October 29th!
The book Endless Referrals is one of two books that totally changed the direction of my sales career. The income that I generated from applying the lessons I learned is almost incalculable. I give Bob and his material my very highest recommendation!
I am humbled and honored to be Bob’s city partner for this event.
This will be a half-day event. It will be held at the Humble Civic Center, from 9:00 until noon.
I want all of my friends who are sales professionals in the Houston area (or who want to drive in from anywhere) to be at this event. I know what it will do for all of you in your sales career.
I also want all of my friends in sales leadership and business ownership roles to get your sales teams to the event. Having your entire sales team increase their referral driven business will have a huge impact on the rest of 2014 and beyond. [lightbox link=”” thumb=”×300.jpg” width=”200″ align=”right” title=”burg0071462074.qxd” frame=”true” icon=”image” caption=””]
But let me give you and additional Million Dollar Idea!
Your relationship with your customers is mostly dependent upon how much value you provide to them that goes above and beyond the transaction for your product or service. The more value you provide – the more loyal your customer becomes and the less likely they are to be poached by your competitors.
What better way can you provide that kind of value than by helping them generate more sales for their business?
I challenge each of you. Select some of your most important client relationships – in which their business has a sales team.
Then contact them saying…
“I want to help generate more sales for your business. Bob Burg, one of the world’s foremost authorities on building a referral based sales team, is coming to our area. I have a limited number of tickets, and would like to use some of them to host your key sales person (or people).”
We will also have a limited number of sponsorships available that include tickets, tables, and many other perks! Email me for more information at
Have a great weekend!
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