Recipe For Success

Recipe For Success I love to cook. When I was in my early forties, I found that I not only love to cook, I have sort of a natural talent for understanding and combining ingredients in a new way to bring my own spin on some traditional dishes.  I have watched countless...
Look Out!

Look Out!

I learned to drive when I was 14 years old. Well… maybe I should rephrase that statement.  My dad handed me the keys to my step-mom’s red Chevy Malibu when I was 14 years old.  It wasn’t an everyday occurrence, but I was allowed to drive for short...

Great New Resources!

Five years from now, what would the perfect day in your life be?  Would you be on a beach?  Would you be on a mountain top? What will it take to get you there? We have just added some resources that can help you achieve the goals you have for you and your family....

Spot A Leader

Can you spot a leader in a room? After you have worked with that leader for a period of time, can you still call them a leader? As a sales leader, we make choices every day that affect the lives of people in our organization.  How would those in our charge describe us...

Funny Monday 2015-4

Funny stories to start your work week. Email yours to and I will share them with the tribe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Eileen in Texas… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A young lady walks up to a car as a motorcycle cop is putting a freshly written...