When You Don’t Win

We have all had times when we just knew that our company was the best.  We were completely confident that our product or service was the pinnacle in the industry.  And there was no doubt that our stellar discovery, recommendations and sales persona were second to...

Funny Monday Is Here!

Getting the week started off with a good laugh is a great thing to do.  Share your funny stories with the tribe.  Email them to me at jeff@jeffcwest.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Marilyn in Texas!   As couples get older, it is quite normal for their...

Bring Value To The Table

Over the years, I watched the insurance industry become more and more commodity oriented. To win the case in situations like that, you must find ways to bring value to the table above and beyond the transaction.  That value may be in tangible economic currency, where...

View From The Top

Earlier this week we talked about the statistics of marriage and divorce, and the fact that how you view them can affect your level of commitment and general outlook. The Truth About Marriage Today I want to discuss this same phenomenon and how it relates to your...